Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week 3: 3 Miles

The decision to take on this feat happened pretty fast. I heard a radio commercial about team in training which is a segment of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that helps fund-raising efforts for cancer research. I figured this would be a great opportunity to help get the word out to create some awareness, and ultimately help to end this dreaded disease. So I signed up and its been 3 weeks of training. I'm currently running 3 miles, 3 times a week. It's difficult in this New Orleans summer heat, but the cause is worth it. I highly recommend running to everyone. It's a great stress reliever. When I'm running, its just me, my music and my thoughts. Not to mention it promotes a healthier lifestyle...if only I could get better in my eating habits (I'm working on it).

My goal is to raise $5000 for the LLS. In doing so, I will be able to participate in the half marathon benefit on October 2 in Orlando, FL. Last year, I walked in the LLS Light the Night Walk in the name of Daniel. Our Teams name was "Daniel's Saints." and we raised over $4000 collectively.

As of today, I have raised $775.00. I am 16% of the way there! Thank you so much to ALL who have donated. Through this process I have been able to hear heart touching/wrenching stories from others who have Leukemia or know someone who does. Here is a story from one of my donors, Paula Whitlock:

"My brother, Edward, who just turned 46 is currently battling Leukemia. He began in Dec 2008 w/ Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML). Then in Nov 2009 it changed into a “Blast Crisis” and into Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). They had treated him with chemo and at the end of March this year, he got a bone marrow transplant. One of our older brothers was the donor. I just got an update on Edward yesterday and the blast cells are back and increasing. It is heart breaking. He has a wonderful wife and a beautiful 9 year old daughter. He has a strong faith in God and we know that God is in control of this whole situation."

Please keep Edward, Paula, and the family in your prayers. There are millions of stories like this. Your donation will help fund research that will help stories like this no longer exist.

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